Simple undo functionality?

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Simple undo functionality?

Post by xss »

Hello rob,

when I tested right-to-left text in your WonderCMS demo just now (results in 'false' as only page content, I assume that's the same issue yest was talking about), I accidentally overwrote your 'HOME' page with 'false' and the simple instructions there were lost. :oops: I actually had to restore its original content from a new local installation of WonderCMS.

In those cases one wishes for some kind of undo functionality... How about saving one or two previous versions of a SomePage.txt file to something like SomePage.1.txt or so and by doing so providing a simple undo functionality, ideally with a link or button from within the CMS, or maybe by just allowing to surf to http://www.mydomain.tld/SomePage.1 to get to the previous version and restore (copy&paste) its content?

Just as a thought -- I think a simple copy of the file to a new filename before writing the changes (or even immediately when starting to edit) could be rather easy to implement...
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Re: Simple undo functionality?

Post by wiz »

WonderCMS shouldn't delete your Home content when writing false.

Open up your website with the Home.txt content, and the old instructions should be there - (, unless you tried to edit the false once or twice. (Then WonderCMS would understand you want to write the content "false" to it).

Saving multiple older version could be included in the WonderCMS in the future, thanks for the great suggestion.

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