Categories or Tags

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Categories or Tags

Post by Mirsad »

If this doesn't get implemented in the future versions of the core, and it better not be, let the core remain small :)

I suggest 2 ways to achieve it:

1. Writing tags in the articles at the beginning and / or the end of the text

Example: TAG:FUNNY, or <FUNNY> or #FUNNY...

that an optional search plugin would find and then list the pages that contain a specific tag

(maybe even with an option for easy code copy / paste, so this list would be put in a page)

2. Just a script that would list all pages so you can tag the articles after they're already created

(by typing the category in a form field next to the article name and / or by check listing multiple articles a category / tag would apply to)

This "Pages Manager" could also have a delete page(s) function.

I'm extremely happy with the way WonderCMS works, the speed realy encourages me to start writing stuff without thinking twice. On the other side, I'm always afraid of some pages getting lost and orphaned. That said, I would not compromise the speed of adding content, I would keep it the way it is; and organizing / managing it can be done after.

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Re: Categories or Tags

Post by wiz »

Hello Mirsad.

While I agree tags are good for multiple purposes, including a search on WonderCMS (which is (at least for now) intended for small to medium websites) wouldn't bring that much of a better experience (as almost all pages are visible at all times (unless you hide them)).

Those tags you mentioned could be used in a variety of (equally awesome) other ways (from letting search engines know what that specific page is about or maybe even including them into the meta tags).

Deleting and managing pages is definitely in the plan for WonderCMS.

Thank you for both your compliments and great ideas. This is an interesting concept and it could be an awesome plugin (if anyone would be willing to give it a try).

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