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Password protect pages

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:38 am
by robsdixon
Can somebody with good php knowledge please make a feature/plugin where you can lock pages with a password so only people with the password can view certain pages

I want to be able to set/change the password easily through the Settings Panel though

Many thanks,

Rob :)

PS? Is this forum still active? It seems a bid dead like not many people are using it - oh well

Re: Password protect pages

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:49 am
by wiz
Hello robsdixon.

The forum was always "this active", and never got much attention.
I try to reply when I can, WonderCMS is still being developed, only at a slower pace, as we are all employed now.

You can try a freelancing website, where you can hire someone to do it for you (what you asked for), as the main developers are all busy with their paid jobs.

WonderCMS will probably live forever, only the pace/speed of development is questionable.