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Summernote and sky theme - again

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:41 pm
by lule
Hallo all,

Apparently there was already a problem like this in 2021 (viewtopic.php?t=2748). It is said to have been solved with version 3.2.0. However, it now exists again.

I first tested wondercms locally using xampp. But the problem also exists on my web space. I therefore separate the information in A for xampp and B for my webspace.

I have tested a few themes. The first one that worked with xyc was Theme W3css Singlepage.

1. What version of WonderCMS are you using:
3.4.3 (Sky 3.2.4, Summernote Editor 3.4.1)

2. What type of server do you have. (Apache, NGINX, IIS)
A: Apache/2.4.58 (Win64)
B: Apache, vVerison unknown, hosted at

3. What version of PHP do you have.
A: 8.2.12
B: 8.1.26

4. Does your hosting provider/server meet the minimum WonderCMS requirements? ( - or send your hosting provider this link and ask them if they meet the minimum requirements)
Yes, they both do

5. Are you using a custom theme or any plugins, which ones?

on both:
* Sky 3.2.4 (aktive)
* Theme W3css Singlepage 3.0.0 (inactive)
* Summernote Editor 3.4.1

6. Describe the issue problem as clearly as possible.
1. downloaded WonderCMS 3.4.3
2. installed it locally using XAMPP v.8.2.12
3. did the first security setups (new password, new Admin login URL)
4. installed plugin Summernote Editor 3.4.1
5. no WYSIWYG editor was edited
6. tried several themes stopped with the frist, that worked with Summernote Editor: Theme W3css Singlepage.

7. installed on webspace hostet at
8. did the first security setups (new password, new Admin login URL)
9. installed plugin Summernote Editor 3.4.1
10. no WYSIWYG editor was edited
11. installed and activeted Theme W3css Singlepage and Summernote Editor worked

Also on both:
After I have installed the "Additional Contents" plugin, the button appears, but clicking on it does not trigger or add anything.

I would like to use WonderCMS because it works with the Sky-theme without additional reloaded js and focuses on privacy (GDPR compliant and no tracking or "powered by" links).

Is there something I am doing wrong?
