Libraries loaded by plug-ins

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Libraries loaded by plug-ins

Post by c0mp0ser »

I discovered that the plugins "Summernote Editor" and "Additional Contents" call jQuery (3.4.1). After installing both plugins and logging into CMS there are two jQuery libraries loaded. I tried to add a language pack to "Summernote Editor" - without success. I tried to use jQuery with "materialize.js" - no luck.
Sweet Bloody Mary, wouldn't it be worth doing some sort of cleanup with this? 🤔 I think it would be great. These plugin dependencies on libraries make a terrible mess (!).
Just to mention that the "Summernote Editor" itself requires 5 javascript and 3 stylesheets ... Holy Putin (!). 😆

P.S. I discovered that "Simple Blog" plugin call further jQuery library v. 1.12.4 ... Holy Trump (!). 😆
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Re: Libraries loaded by plug-ins

Post by boomerPro1 »

I would love to try in help out testing this. As far as I understand, wondercms removed boostrap and nquery from the default installation and had to include the libraries into the specific plugins, so they work independently.

I guess another plugin would have to be created, that only includes jquery and bootstrap, and tell users they have to activate it first before installing any other plugins. However I don't see a solution to different plugins or themes requiring different versions of jquery or bootstrap, so I don't see this as an easy solution. Can you post your theme so we can test out and see where the problem is?
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Re: Libraries loaded by plug-ins

Post by c0mp0ser »

This is not a problem with my theme. This is a problem with the design of the themes and plugins as such. In my opinion, this could be solved similar to what you write, by creating a special plugin or plugins to include the needed libraries: jQuery, Boostrap, Materialize, UIkit, Framework 7 and so on. Then the code for the other plugins and themes could be free of this. And relative order would prevail.

As for my theme, it still needs some work in my opinion. I would like to deliver something reasonably polished. You can follow the information in the thread viewtopic.php?t=3140
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Re: Libraries loaded by plug-ins

Post by c0mp0ser »

While poking around in the code I came up with an idea. Because themes mainly use frameworks like Bootstrap, Materialize and so on, we should remove framework calls from plugins, but put those calls only in themes. Similarly with jQuery. Since the design of some plugins requires html code calls specific to the framework, there is nothing left to do but create different versions of plugins. And that's what I plan to do, among other things. E.g. Simple Blog for Materialize Theme.
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