1. Download the Summernote language file eg from this site:
https://github.com/summernote/summernot ... velop/lang
Click on the language of your choice, copy the entire code, paste it into the ordinary text editor and save it as a file with the same name that appears on the list at the above site address, eg:
Code: Select all
2. Create a subfolder in WonderCMS: /plugins/summernote-editor/ named "lang"
Code: Select all
3. In the file:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
lang: 'pl-PL',
into it (see file name mentioned in the first part of this tutorial). Don't forget the decimal point at the end of this line (!).
4. In the file:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
<script src="{$Wcms->url('plugins/summernote-editor/lang/summernote-pl-PL.js')}" type="text/javascript"></script>
From now on, the editor will be displayed in all WonderCMS in the language choosed by you.