[SOLVED] HTML LANG - hard coded?

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[SOLVED] HTML LANG - hard coded?

Post by c0mp0ser »

I noticed that the site uses a hard-coded

Code: Select all

<html lang = "en">
Or I am wrong? :?: However, if I am not mistaken, there is a suggestion:
When WonderCMS was run for the first time - you could add a form text field with the default "en" option where the user would be able to set it. Imo it seems logical for a CMS to generate clean, valid code without any manual editing. Maybe there is some way to include this?
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Re: HTML LANG - hard coded?

Post by wiz »

Hey c0mp0ser, I somehow missed this post, apologies.

Implementing a checking system could increase the WonderCMS size for a such a feature that doesn't have much of an impact, as this is depended on the theme itself not on WonderCMS.

Maybe the easiest would be to remove it from our themes and let the users set it manually or let the bots that visit the website to determine the language.

I would mark this thread as "solved", as this isn't really a bug, just a default behaviour which can be changed with any theme.
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