One Page, Small Online Shop

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Re: One Page, Small Online Shop

Post by dudul »

ethanscott wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 9:19 am
dudul wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:22 pm Hello everyone...
Sorry for my poor English (i use Google translator). :lol: :lol:

I created a mini online store website for client, build with WonderCMS and Custom plugins and Themes.
The website is Small and Fast
Shopping Cart plugin use vue.js
and Small, Fast and Flat Designt
Shopping Cart plugin use jQuery Smart Cart
Sorry, the website plugin and theme is still in development mode :geek:
Hello there,
I am Ethan,
My wife and I have a small shop where we make clothes like shorts, joggers, denim hot pants and a few other things. We were thinking of taking our business online since we live in a comparatively small town and there are not a lot of customers here and we wanted to make some money out of this business. So I was wondering as to how we should go about it. We did reach out to some e commerce websites where we sell our products, but now we were thinking something independent would be much more beneficial than the way we are working now.
I was wondering if you guys could help me and my wife out?
Thanks in advance.
P.S: I know this is not the right place to post this question.

Hello ethanscott,
just try to create an online store using wondercms and wcms-shop plugin (demo version), its use is very easy and very simple,
for wcms-shop plugin is in development, I am again creating a structure for reporting and shipping.

And this example website uses wonderCMS and wcms-shop plugin With Email Checkout With Email Checkout With Paypal Checkout
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Re: One Page, Small Online Shop

Post by wiz »

dudul, the above post from ethan is a spambot (removed account and removed the spam bot post).

Really convincing though. :)
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Re: One Page, Small Online Shop

Post by turboblack »

Hi, I finally took the time to try installing the script. and it's pretty bad for me on the plug-in. The fact is that the plugin is very difficult to install, you need to enter the necessary settings directly in the script and in the template, which is too inconvenient. this needs to be corrected first.

the installation instruction is rather chaotic, I did not understand why I could not install the script, you have there written links to your site, make the instruction deeper, that would be understandable information, make an example of installation, this should help.

in theory it is better to do so: the plug-in is installed from the admin panel, edited from it, and opens on the user-selected existing page.

do you have the power to make such a global change? Get ready to hamsterization! 8-) new version with new templates :!: new zine about small web :arrow:
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Re: One Page, Small Online Shop

Post by dudul »

turboblack wrote: Fri May 11, 2018 9:02 am Hi, I finally took the time to try installing the script. and it's pretty bad for me on the plug-in. The fact is that the plugin is very difficult to install, you need to enter the necessary settings directly in the script and in the template, which is too inconvenient. this needs to be corrected first.

the installation instruction is rather chaotic, I did not understand why I could not install the script, you have there written links to your site, make the instruction deeper, that would be understandable information, make an example of installation, this should help.

in theory it is better to do so: the plug-in is installed from the admin panel, edited from it, and opens on the user-selected existing page.

do you have the power to make such a global change?
okay thanx,
i am understand, and I have made the script again from the beginning, soon I will upload it to github, and will be able to install via admin panel. :)
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Re: One Page, Small Online Shop

Post by wiz »

Hey Brandon.

We still currently don't have a shop, however what you're looking for might be easly done with PayPal.
Would that be a viable option, or do you need a custom solution?
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Re: One Page, Small Online Shop

Post by OneManLaptop »

For anybody looking for an easy way to add a professional shop to their website, I can recommend Snip Cart:

From my early tests, it works well with Wonder CMS but there is a lot of scope to make it work better with a specific Snip Cart plugin. The way Snip Cart works, is by letting developers set up the products directly in the html. So for example, to add a product you would write:

Code: Select all

<button class="snipcart-add-item"
  data-item-description="High-quality replica of The Starry Night by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh."
  data-item-name="The Starry Night"
  data-item-custom1-name="Frame color"
  Add to cart
All functionality buttons (shopping cart etc.) are handled in a similar way. All the checkout and backend stuff is handled by Snip Cart on their servers, which is automatically integrated into your website but you're more or less free to style it how you want.

For that you hand over either 2% of your sales or €9 per month if your sales fall below a certain amount.

Anyway, just found this thread and thought I'd share in case anybody is looking for a WCMS compatible e-commerce solution.
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